RefactorThis.GraphDiff by brentmckendrick

<PackageReference Include="RefactorThis.GraphDiff" Version="2.0.1" />

 RefactorThis.GraphDiff 2.0.1

This is the official GraphDiff package. GraphDiff - Allows for automatic update of a graph of detached entities using Entity Framework v6+. If you have ever felt the pain of updating a detached graph with one or more nested collections then this is for you :)

<package xmlns="">
    <title>GraphDiff - Entity Framework graph auto-update</title>
    <description>This is the official GraphDiff package.

GraphDiff - Allows for automatic update of a graph of detached entities using Entity Framework v6+.

If you have ever felt the pain of updating a detached graph with one or more nested collections then this is for you :)</description>
    <summary>MIT (c) Brent McKendrick</summary>
- Rewrite of graph traversal code.
- Whole new testing suite to cover more scenarios
- Many small bugfixes.

v2.0 - there was an error in the nuget package, I've rolled forward to 2.0.1 to resolve this.

 - Optimistic concurrency support
 - Abstract base class and inheritance bug fixes and enhacements.

 - Update to work with EF 6
 - Bug fixes (see GitHub issues)
 - MIT license</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Brent McKendrick</copyright>
    <tags>EntityFramework EF CodeFirst DetachedUpdate</tags>
      <dependency id="EntityFramework" version="6.0.1" />