RavenDB.Bundles.UniqueConstraints by Hibernating Rhinos

<PackageReference Include="RavenDB.Bundles.UniqueConstraints" Version="3.5.9" />

 RavenDB.Bundles.UniqueConstraints 3.5.9

This bundle aims to allow the user to implement unique constraints in the objects (usefull for properties like email or social security number).

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2013/05/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>RavenDB Unique Constraints Bundle</title>
    <authors>Hibernating Rhinos</authors>
    <owners>Hibernating Rhinos</owners>
    <description>This bundle aims to allow the user to implement unique constraints in the objects (usefull for properties like email or social security number).</description>
    <tags>nosql ravendb raven document database bundles</tags>
      <dependency id="RavenDB.Database" version="[3.5.9]" />