PeanutButter.INI by Davyd McColl

<PackageReference Include="PeanutButter.INI" Version="1.2.366" />

 PeanutButter.INI 1.2.366

A basic INI file reader/writer class

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Davyd McColl</authors>
    <owners>Davyd McColl</owners>
    <license type="expression">BSD-3-Clause</license>
    <description>A basic INI file reader/writer class</description>
    <summary>Provides easy-to-use access to INI files, both reading and writing. Data is exposed via a public Dictionary of Dictionaries. 
      Supports the global "empty" section, quoted values and case-insenstive section and key lookups.</summary>
    <copyright>Copyright  2014</copyright>
    <repository type="git" url="" />