Orthogonal.LiteComms by Orthogonal Programming

<PackageReference Include="Orthogonal.LiteComms" Version="1.0.5" />

 Orthogonal.LiteComms 1.0.5

The LiteComms library contains two lightweight classes that allows client-server communication, either on the same machine or between different machines on a local area network. The library is intended to be as simple to use as possible and to have a tiny runtime footprint. The client and server classes communicate using a very simple protocol implemented as a single server method that takes a string request and returns a string response. Although this protocol is simple, applications are free to exchange strings between the client and server in any convenient or suitable format they choose. Exchanging strings of XML for example is an easy way to create an extensible general purpose contract between client and server. The LiteComms library is intended for use where network communications between application components must be implemented simply and easily, with no configuration and no complicated dependencies. The library internally uses a tcp Remoting channel for communication.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <authors>Orthogonal Programming</authors>
    <owners>Orthogonal Programming</owners>
    <description>The LiteComms library contains two lightweight classes that allows client-server communication, either on the same machine or between different machines on a local area network. The library is intended to be as simple to use as possible and to have a tiny runtime footprint. The client and server classes communicate using a very simple protocol implemented as a single server method that takes a string request and returns a string response. Although this protocol is simple, applications are free to exchange strings between the client and server in any convenient or suitable format they choose. Exchanging strings of XML for example is an easy way to create an extensible general purpose contract between client and server. The LiteComms library is intended for use where network communications between application components must be implemented simply and easily, with no configuration and no complicated dependencies. The library internally uses a tcp Remoting channel for communication.</description>
    <summary>A lightweight communication library that very easily allows client-server style exchange of string messages. Communications is implemented using a tcp Remoting Channel.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Update package icon Url. Update WPF project to Framework 4.6.2. No code changes.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>This project/application is not subject to any copyright restrictions. The author Greg Keogh &lt;[email protected]&gt; has published the project in the public domain in case it may have educational value or assist the productivity of other software developers. Please send bug reports, suggestions or enhancements to the author.</copyright>
    <dependencies />