OpenCV.Net by Gonçalo Lopes

<PackageReference Include="OpenCV.Net" Version="3.3.1" />

.NET API 153,088 bytes


public struct Size : IEquatable<Size>
Represents the pixel-accurate size of a rectangle.
public int Height

The height of the rectangle.

public int Width

The width of the rectangle.

public static Size Zero { get; }

Returns a Size that has Width and Height values set to zero.

public Size(int width, int height)

Initializes a new instance of the Size structure from the specified dimensions.

public static bool op_Equality(Size left, Size right)

Tests whether two Size structures are equal.

public static bool op_Inequality(Size left, Size right)

Tests whether two Size structures are different.

public bool Equals(Size other)

Returns a value indicating whether this instance has the same dimensions as a specified Size structure.