<PackageReference Include="OECAPI" Version="3.5.13" />

.NET API 852,992 bytes

 OECAPI 3.5.13

OEC API library encapsulates network communication between client application and OEC Servers and provided object-oriented access to OEC functionality through exposed components (objects), their properties, methods and events.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <description>OEC API library encapsulates network communication between client application and OEC Servers and provided object-oriented access to OEC functionality through exposed components (objects), their properties, methods and events.</description>
    <releaseNotes>OEC.API.OECClient.UsingUUID(String) added for using by third-party code inside OEC Trader; OEC.API.BaseContract.StrikeDisplayFactor introduced; access to the list of CME Data Feed entitlements (OEC.API.OECClient.DataFeedEntitlements); improved options value calculation; removing bid/ask prices at the end of trading session by a signal from server; fixed incorrect handling auto-added (pending) contracts on client-side; fixed some issues with several simultaneous cash updates; better support of multiple OEC API instances in one application</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>� 2014 GAIN Capital Group, LLC</copyright>
    <tags>trading OEC openecry futures options forex</tags>