NodaTime by Jon Skeet

<PackageReference Include="NodaTime" Version="1.4.3" />

 NodaTime 1.4.3

Noda Time is a date and time API acting as an alternative to the built-in DateTime/DateTimeOffset etc types built into the .NET framework. It's based on the "engine" of Joda Time, the popular Java library - but with an API designed from the ground up.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Jon Skeet</authors>
    <owners>Jon Skeet</owners>
    <description>Noda Time is a date and time API acting as an alternative to the built-in DateTime/DateTimeOffset etc types built into the .NET framework. It's based on the "engine" of Joda Time, the popular Java library - but with an API designed from the ground up.</description>
    <summary>Noda Time is an alternative date and time API for .NET. It helps you to think about your data more clearly, and express operations on that data more precisely.</summary>
    <tags>date time timezone calendar nodatime</tags>
      <frameworkAssembly assemblyName="System.Xml" targetFramework="" />