NeoLua by Neolithos

<PackageReference Include="NeoLua" Version="0.8.12" />

 NeoLua 0.8.12

A Lua implementation for the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).

<package xmlns="">
    <description>A Lua implementation for the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).</description>
    <summary>A Lua implementation for the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).

      NeoLua is an implementation of the Lua language. Currently the implementation is on the level of Lua 5.2 ( The goal is to match the reference of the C-Lua implementation and combine this with full .net framework support.

      NeoLua is implemented in C# and uses the Dynamic Language Runtime. It therefore integrates very well with the .net framework.</summary>
    <tags>Lua C# .net DLR Dynamic Language</tags>
      <frameworkAssembly assemblyName="System" targetFramework="" />