NLog by Jarek Kowalski,Kim Christensen,Julian Verdurmen

<PackageReference Include="NLog" Version="4.7.12" />


Assembly with 17 public namespaces (822,272 bytes)

 NLog with 31 public types

 NLog.Attributes with 1 public types

 NLog.Common with 9 public types

 NLog.Conditions with 7 public types

 NLog.Config with 33 public types

 NLog.Filters with 11 public types

 NLog.Fluent with 3 public types

 NLog.Internal with 4 public types

 NLog.Internal.Fakeables with 2 public types

 NLog.Internal.Xamarin with 1 public types

 NLog.LayoutRenderers with 64 public types

 NLog.LayoutRenderers.Wrappers with 25 public types

 NLog.Layouts with 17 public types

 NLog.MessageTemplates with 4 public types

 NLog.Targets with 46 public types

 NLog.Targets.Wrappers with 19 public types

 NLog.Time with 7 public types