NEST by Elasticsearch Inc. and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="1.8.2" />

.NET API 2,321,408 bytes

 NEST 1.8.2

Elasticsearch client, strongly typed interface to Elasticsearch. Fluent request builder, mapped responses and powerful query dsl. Uses and exposes Elasticsearch.Net

<package xmlns="">
    <title>NEST - Elasticsearch Client</title>
    <authors>Elasticsearch Inc. and contributors</authors>
    <owners>Elasticsearch Inc.</owners>
    <description>Elasticsearch client, strongly typed interface to Elasticsearch. Fluent request builder, mapped responses and powerful query dsl. Uses and exposes Elasticsearch.Net</description>
    <summary>Strongly typed interface to Elasticsearch. Fluent request builder, mapped responses and powerful query dsl. Uses and exposes Elasticsearch.Net</summary>
    <tags>elasticsearch elastic search lucene nest</tags>
      <dependency id="Elasticsearch.Net" version="[1.8.2, 2.0)" />
      <dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="[8.0, 9.0)" />