NEST by Martijn Laarman and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="0.9.20" />

.NET API 549,376 bytes


Namespace with 420 public types


 AsciiFoldingTokenFilter A token filter of type asciifolding that converts alphabetic, numeric, and symbolic Unicode characters which are not in the first 127 ASCII characters (the “Basic Latin” Unicode block) into their ASCII equivalents, if one exists.
 CustomAnalyzer An analyzer of type custom that allows to combine a Tokenizer with zero or more Token Filters, and zero or more Char Filters. The custom analyzer accepts a logical/registered name of the tokenizer to use, and a list of logical/registered names of token filters.
 EdgeNGramTokenFilter A token filter of type edgeNGram.
 EdgeNGramTokenizer A tokenizer of type edgeNGram.
 ElisionTokenFilter A token filter which removes elisions. For example, “l’avion” (the plane) will tokenized as “avion” (plane).
 GenericMapping Sometimes you need a generic type mapping, i.e when using dynamic templates in order to specify "{dynamic_template}" the type, or if you have some plugin that exposes a new type.
 HtmlStripCharFilter A char filter of type html_strip stripping out HTML elements from an analyzed text.
 IndexSettings Writing these uses a custom converter that ignores the json props
 KeywordAnalyzer An analyzer of type keyword that “tokenizes” an entire stream as a single token. This is useful for data like zip codes, ids and so on. Note, when using mapping definitions, it make more sense to simply mark the field as not_analyzed.
 KeywordMarkerTokenFilter Protects words from being modified by stemmers. Must be placed before any stemming filters.
 KeywordTokenizer A tokenizer of type keyword that emits the entire input as a single input.
 KStemTokenFilter The kstem token filter is a high performance filter for english. All terms must already be lowercased (use lowercase filter) for this filter to work correctly.
 LanguageAnalyzer A set of analyzers aimed at analyzing specific language text.
 LengthTokenFilter A token filter of type length that removes words that are too long or too short for the stream.
 LetterTokenizer A tokenizer of type letter that divides text at non-letters. That’s to say, it defines tokens as maximal strings of adjacent letters. Note, this does a decent job for most European languages, but does a terrible job for some Asian languages, where words are not separated by spaces.
 LowercaseTokenFilter A token filter of type lowercase that normalizes token text to lower case. Lowercase token filter supports Greek and Turkish lowercase token filters through the language parameter.
 LowercaseTokenizer A tokenizer of type lowercase that performs the function of Letter Tokenizer and Lower Case Token Filter together. It divides text at non-letters and converts them to lower case. While it is functionally equivalent to the combination of Letter Tokenizer and Lower Case Token Filter, there is a performance advantage to doing the two tasks at once, hence this (redundant) implementation.
 MappingCharFilter A char filter of type mapping replacing characters of an analyzed text with given mapping.
 NgramTokenFilter A token filter of type nGram.
 NGramTokenizer A tokenizer of type nGram.
 NumericRangeFilterDescriptor`1 Filters documents with fields that have values within a certain numeric range. Similar to range filter, except that it works only with numeric values
 PathHierarchyTokenizer The path_hierarchy tokenizer takes something like this: /something/something/elseAnd produces tokens:/something/something/something/something/something/else
 PatternAnalyzer An analyzer of type pattern that can flexibly separate text into terms via a regular expression.
 PatternTokenizer A tokenizer of type pattern that can flexibly separate text into terms via a regular expression.
 PhoneticTokenFilter The phonetic token filter is provided as a plugin.
 PorterStemTokenFilter A token filter of type porterStem that transforms the token stream as per the Porter stemming algorithm.
 ReverseTokenFilter A token filter of type reverse that simply reverses the tokens.
 ScriptFilterDescriptor A filter allowing to define scripts as filters. Ex: "doc['num1'].value > 1"
 ShingleTokenFilter A token filter of type shingle that constructs shingles (token n-grams) from a token stream. In other words, it creates combinations of tokens as a single token.
 SimpleAnalyzer An analyzer of type simple that is built using a Lower Case Tokenizer.
 SnowballAnalyzer An analyzer of type snowball that uses the standard tokenizer, with standard filter, lowercase filter, stop filter, and snowball filter. The Snowball Analyzer is a stemming analyzer from Lucene that is originally based on the snowball project from
 SnowballTokenFilter A filter that stems words using a Snowball-generated stemmer.
 StandardAnalyzer An analyzer of type standard that is built of using Standard Tokenizer, with Standard Token Filter, Lower Case Token Filter, and Stop Token Filter.
 StandardTokenFilter A token filter of type standard that normalizes tokens extracted with the Standard Tokenizer.
 StandardTokenizer A tokenizer of type standard providing grammar based tokenizer that is a good tokenizer for most European language documents. The tokenizer implements the Unicode Text Segmentation algorithm, as specified in Unicode Standard Annex #29.
 StemmerTokenFilter A filter that stems words (similar to snowball, but with more options).
 StopAnalyzer An analyzer of type stop that is built using a Lower Case Tokenizer, with Stop Token Filter.
 StopTokenFilter A token filter of type stop that removes stop words from token streams.
 SynonymTokenFilter The synonym token filter allows to easily handle synonyms during the analysis process.
 TextPhrasePrefixQueryDescriptor`1 A Query that matches documents containing a particular sequence of terms. It allows for prefix matches on the last term in the text.
 TextPhraseQueryDescriptor`1 A Query that matches documents containing a particular sequence of terms. A PhraseQuery is built by QueryParser for input like "new york".
 TrimTokenFilter The trim token filter trims surrounding whitespaces around a token.
 TruncateTokenFilter The truncate token filter can be used to truncate tokens into a specific length. This can come in handy with keyword (single token) based mapped fields that are used for sorting in order to reduce memory usage.
 UaxEmailUrlTokenizer A tokenizer of type uax_url_email which works exactly like the standard tokenizer, but tokenizes emails and urls as single tokens
 UniqueTokenFilter The unique token filter can be used to only index unique tokens during analysis. By default it is applied on all the token stream
 WhitespaceAnalyzer An analyzer of type whitespace that is built using a Whitespace Tokenizer.
 WhitespaceTokenizer A tokenizer of type whitespace that divides text at whitespace.
 WordDelimiterTokenFilter Named word_delimiter, it Splits words into subwords and performs optional transformations on subword groups.


 FieldType Define the type of field content.
 Lang Scripting Language.
 Language Language types used for language analyzers

 Static Classes

 ElasticMap Static helper to help create resusable RootObjectMappings

 Abstract Classes

 CompoundWordTokenFilter Token filters that allow to decompose compound words.

