N2CMS.Management.NoZip by Cristian Libardo

<PackageReference Include="N2CMS.Management.NoZip" Version="" />

.NET API 429,568 bytes


This package contains the management interface required by N2 CMS. The management files are installed uncompressed. Use this package if you are storing your project in a version control repository. This package doesn't contain templates.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2013/05/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>N2CMS Management (Standard)</title>
    <authors>Cristian Libardo</authors>
    <owners>Cristian Libardo</owners>
    <description>This package contains the management interface required by N2 CMS. The management files are installed uncompressed. Use this package if you are storing your project in a version control repository. This package doesn't contain templates.</description>
    <summary>N2 CMS is a lightweight CMS library that can be used as is, or in combination with many features out of the box using template pack for MVC2-4, Razor or WebForms.</summary>
    <tags>N2 CMS</tags>
      <dependency id="N2CMS.Library" version="" />
      <dependency id="N2CMS.Config" version="2.6.2" />