MvcWebApiCors by Christian Giacomi

<PackageReference Include="MvcWebApiCors" Version="0.3.0" />

 MvcWebApiCors 0.3.0

MvcWebApiCors is a small library for .NET MVC 4 which sets the response headers correctly to allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing. You don't have to upgrade to MVC 5, you don't have to upgrade to Visual Studio 2013 and you definitely don't have to have IE10!

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Christian Giacomi</authors>
    <owners>Christian Giacomi</owners>
    <description>MvcWebApiCors is a small library for .NET MVC 4 which sets the response headers correctly to allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing. You don't have to upgrade to MVC 5, you don't have to upgrade to Visual Studio 2013 and you definitely don't have to have IE10!</description>
    <copyright>Copyright ©  2014 Christian Giacomi</copyright>
    <tags>MVC .NET CORS WebApi</tags>