MrAdvice.Fody by Arx One

<PackageReference Include="MrAdvice.Fody" Version="2.0.0" />

Package Files

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 MrAdvice.Fody 2.0.0

Obsolete! Use instead! MrAdvice allows to weave aspects at build-time (just like PostSharp, but free as in free beer). Write your own aspects in the form of attributes and apply them to target methods or properties.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Mr. Advice</title>
    <authors>Arx One</authors>
    <owners>Arx One</owners>
    <description>Obsolete! Use instead! MrAdvice allows to weave aspects at build-time (just like PostSharp, but free as in free beer). Write your own aspects in the form of attributes and apply them to target methods or properties.</description>
    <summary>.NET build step aspect weaver</summary>
    <releaseNotes>MrAdvice.Fody package is obsolete. Use MrAdvice instead.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright 2015</copyright>
    <tags>weaver aspect advice pointcut .net attributes injection pcl portable windows silverlight sl5</tags>
      <dependency id="MrAdvice" />