MongoMigrations.NETStandard by blushingpenguin, phoenixwebgroup

<PackageReference Include="MongoMigrations.NETStandard" Version="2.1.7" />

 MongoMigrations.NETStandard 2.1.7

Mongo migrations for dot net developers. This is based on the original from phoenixwebgroup, but ported to .NET standard to support both .NET core and .NET framework

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>blushingpenguin, phoenixwebgroup</authors>
    <owners>blushingpenguin, phoenixwebgroup</owners>
    <license type="file">MIT_LICENSE.txt</license>
    <description>Mongo migrations for dot net developers. This is based on the original from phoenixwebgroup, but ported to .NET standard to support both .NET core and .NET framework</description>
    <tags>Mongo Migrations</tags>
    <repository type="git" url="" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0">
        <dependency id="MongoDB.Driver" version="2.8.1" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />