MongoDB.Entities by Đĵ ΝιΓΞΗΛψΚ

<PackageReference Include="MongoDB.Entities" Version="" />


A data access library for MongoDB with an elegant api, LINQ support and built-in entity relationship management.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Đĵ ΝιΓΞΗΛψΚ</authors>
    <license type="expression">MIT</license>
    <description>A data access library for MongoDB with an elegant api, LINQ support and built-in entity relationship management.</description>
    <copyright>Đĵ ΝιΓΞΗΛψΚ</copyright>
    <tags>mongodb mongodb-orm mongodb-repo mongodb-repository entities nosql orm linq netcore repository aspnetcore netcore2 netcore3 dotnetstandard database persistance dal repo</tags>
    <repository type="git" url="" commit="ed831ed0d584be15bdf052e3df790b4690142082" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.1">
        <dependency id="Microsoft.CSharp" version="4.7.0" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />
        <dependency id="MongoDB.Driver" version="2.22.0" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />