Microsoft-IoT-Maker-Light-Library by minh3

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft-IoT-Maker-Light-Library" Version="1.0.0" />

Package Files

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 Microsoft-IoT-Maker-Light-Library 1.0.0

This application is the Windows Runtime Component used for Windows IoT. This use the class GpioPin to control the General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins on your device. In this case, a LED light.

<package xmlns="">
    <description>This application is the Windows Runtime Component used for Windows IoT. This use the class GpioPin to control the General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins on your device. In this case, a LED light.</description>
    <copyright>Copyright 2018</copyright>
    <tags>uwp windows windows10 iot windowsiot winrt</tags>