MaterialDesignThemes by James Willock

<PackageReference Include="MaterialDesignThemes" Version="4.2.1" />

.NET API 8,636,416 bytes


Namespace with 112 public types


 CalendarFormatInfo Provides culture-specific information about the format of calendar.
 ColorZone User a colour zone to easily switch the background and foreground colours, from selected Material Design palette or custom ones.
 DialogSession Allows an open dialog to be managed. Use is only permitted during a single display operation.
 MessageQueueExtension Provides shorthand to initialise a new for a .
 Palette Provides full information about a palette.
 Plane3D View a control on a 3D plane.
 PopupBox Popup box, similar to a , but allows more customizable content.
 PopupEx This class was initially based on work done in ControlzEx This custom popup can be used by validation error templates or something else. It provides some additional nice features: - repositioning if host-window size or location changed - repositioning if host-window gets maximized and vice versa - it's only topmost if the host-window is activated
 RatingBar A custom control implementing a rating bar. The icon aka content may be set as a DataTemplate via the ButtonContentTemplate property.
 ScaleHost Internal use only.
 SmartHint A control that implement placeholder behavior. Can work as a simple placeholder either as a floating hint, see property. To set a target control you should set the HintProxy property. Use the converter which converts a control into the IHintProxy interface.
 Snackbar Implements a inspired by the Material Design specs (
 SnackbarMessage Defines the content of a message within a . Primary content should be set via the standard property. Where an action is allowed, content can be provided in . Standard button properties are provided for actions, includiing .


 DialogHostOpenDialogCommandDataContextSource Defines how a data context is sourced for a dialog if a is passed as the command parameter when using .
 PackIconKind List of available icons for use with .
 PopupBoxPlacementMode Defines how the popup is aligned to the toggle part of the control.
 PopupBoxPopupMode Defines what causes the to open it's popup.

 Static Classes

 DialogHostEx Helper extensions for showing dialogs.
 TextFieldAssist Helper properties for working with text fields.
 TransitionAssist Allows transitions to be disabled where supported.


 IHintProxy This interface is the adapter from UiControl (like , and others) to You should implement this interface in order to use SmartHint for your own control.