MBrace.Core by Eirik Tsarpalis

<PackageReference Include="MBrace.Core" Version="0.9.4-alpha" />

 MBrace.Core 0.9.4-alpha

The MBrace core library contains all cloud workflow essentials, libraries and local execution tools for authoring distributed code.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/10/nuspec.xsd">
    <authors>Eirik Tsarpalis</authors>
    <owners>Eirik Tsarpalis</owners>
    <description>The MBrace core library contains all cloud workflow essentials,  libraries and local execution tools for authoring distributed code.</description>
    <summary>The MBrace core library contains all cloud workflow essentials,  libraries and local execution tools for authoring distributed code.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Packaging hotfix.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright 2015</copyright>
    <tags>F# cloud mapreduce distributed</tags>