Kentor.AuthServices.Mvc by Kentor

<PackageReference Include="Kentor.AuthServices.Mvc" Version="0.23.0" />

Package Files

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 Kentor.AuthServices.Mvc 0.23.0

A SAML2 Service Provider for ASP.NET MVC. Install in project and add sections to web.config. No coding required. The package adds an MVC controller that handles the SAML SignIn and SignOut. It works with the claims model of .NET 4.5 and uses the present infrastructure for claims translation, session authentication cookies etc.

<package xmlns="">
    <description>A SAML2 Service Provider for ASP.NET MVC. Install in project and add sections to web.config. No coding required. The package adds an MVC controller that handles the SAML SignIn and SignOut. It works with the claims model of .NET 4.5 and uses the present infrastructure for claims translation, session authentication cookies etc.</description>
    <releaseNotes>The Kentor.AuthServices library has been renamed to Sustainsys.Saml2.
      This package is empty, but will install the new package.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright Kentor and contributors 2013-2018</copyright>
    <tags>SAML2 authentication AspNet SAML SSO</tags>
      <dependency id="Sustainsys.Saml2.Mvc" version="0.23.0" />