H.NotifyIcon.PopupMenus by havendv -> Lakritzator and Philipp Sumi

<PackageReference Include="H.NotifyIcon.PopupMenus" Version="2.0.46" />

 H.NotifyIcon.PopupMenus 2.0.46

This package adds support for ContextMenu for platforms that don't support this directly

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2012/06/nuspec.xsd">
    <authors>havendv -&gt; Lakritzator and Philipp Sumi</authors>
    <license type="expression">MIT</license>
    <description>This package adds support for ContextMenu for platforms that don't support this directly</description>
    <releaseNotes>⭐ Last 10 features:
- feat: Added ShowNotification customIcon size check. Closes #11. 2022-04-24
- feat(Core): TrayIcon will create a MessageWindow automatically if WindowHandle is not set. 2022-04-24
- feat(Core): Added TrayInfo.IsShellOpen() method. 2022-04-24
- feat(Core): Added IsPackaged check. 2022-04-23
- feat(WinUI): Added context menu animation support for unpackaged apps V1.1. 2022-04-23
- feat(WinUI): Added unpackaged/packaged app detection. Fixed TryCreate exceptions in this cases. 2022-04-23
- feat: Implemented ContextMenuMode.SecondWindow with native WinUI support. 2022-04-23
- feat: Added Efficiency Mode support. 2022-04-22
- feat(WinUI): Added ContextMenuMode.ActiveWindow. 2022-04-18
- feat(WinUI): Added ContextMenuMode. 2022-04-18

🐞 Last 10 bug fixes:
- fix: Fixed some TryCreate exceptions. 2022-04-24
- fix(WinUI): Fixed ContextMenu double right click animation bug. 2022-04-23
- fix: Fixed Uno build. 2022-04-23
- fix: Fixed issues with Efficiency Mode. 2022-04-22
- fix(WinUI): Fixed missing H.NotifyIcon.PopupMenus. 2022-04-19
- fix(WinUI): Fixed GeneratedIcon default font style. 2022-04-18
- fix: Fixed bug with auto-centering generated text. 2022-04-17
- fix: Fixed errors in latest commit. 2022-04-17
- fix: Fixed bug with initial ToolTipText value. 2022-04-16
- fix: Disabled workaround for pinned icons. 2022-04-15</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright (c) 2022 havendv and Philipp Sumi</copyright>
    <tags>NotifyIcon, Interop</tags>
    <repository type="git" url="https://github.com/HavenDV/H.NotifyIcon" commit="07f7a969a45146868e6aa53e4883b5addbb62f02" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.5.1" />
      <group targetFramework="net5.0" />
      <group targetFramework="net6.0" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0" />