Glader.Essentials.ECS by Andrew Blakely, Glader

<PackageReference Include="Glader.Essentials.ECS" Version="2.5.143" />

 Glader.Essentials.ECS 2.5.143

Glader.Essentials provide basic essential .NET/C# development libraries for day-to-day development needs. The ECS library has basic Entity Component System Types.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Andrew Blakely, Glader</authors>
    <description>Glader.Essentials provide basic essential .NET/C# development libraries for day-to-day development needs. The ECS library has basic Entity Component System Types.</description>
    <copyright>Andrew Blakely</copyright>
    <tags>Glader Essentials ECS Entity</tags>
    <repository type="git" url="" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0" />