Eto.Forms by Picoe Software Solutions Inc.

<PackageReference Include="Eto.Forms" Version="2.4.1" />

 Eto.Forms 2.4.1

Eto.Forms is a cross platform desktop user interface framework. This framework is built so that you can target multiple platforms with one UI codebase. The goal of this framework is to expose a common API that can be used to build functional applications that run across platforms using their native toolkit. This will make your applications look and work as if it were a native application on all platforms. For advanced scenarios, you can take advantage of each platform's capabilities by wrapping your common UI in a larger application, or even create your own high-level controls with a custom implementations per platform. This framework currently supports creating Desktop applications that work across Windows Forms, WPF, MonoMac, Xamarin.Mac, and GTK#. In order to run your Eto.Forms based application, you must also install one (or more) of the following packages: - Eto.Platform.Wpf - Eto.Platform.Windows - Eto.Platform.Direct2D - Eto.Platform.Gtk - Eto.Platform.Gtk2 - Eto.Platform.Gtk3 - Eto.Platform.Mac - Eto.Platform.Mac64 - Eto.Platform.XamMac * requires Visual Studio for Mac - Eto.Platform.XamMac2 To get more information about how to get started, read the wiki:

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Picoe Software Solutions Inc.</authors>
    <owners>Picoe Software Solutions Inc.</owners>
    <description>Eto.Forms is a cross platform desktop user interface framework.

This framework is built so that you can target multiple platforms with one UI codebase.

The goal of this framework is to expose a common API that can be used to build functional applications that run across platforms using their native toolkit. This will make your applications look and work as if it were a native application on all platforms.

For advanced scenarios, you can take advantage of each platform's capabilities by wrapping your common UI in a larger application, or even create your own high-level controls with a custom implementations per platform.

This framework currently supports creating Desktop applications that work across Windows Forms, WPF, MonoMac, Xamarin.Mac, and GTK#.

In order to run your Eto.Forms based application, you must also install one (or more) of the following packages:

- Eto.Platform.Wpf
- Eto.Platform.Windows
- Eto.Platform.Direct2D
- Eto.Platform.Gtk
- Eto.Platform.Gtk2
- Eto.Platform.Gtk3
- Eto.Platform.Mac
- Eto.Platform.Mac64
- Eto.Platform.XamMac  * requires Visual Studio for Mac
- Eto.Platform.XamMac2

To get more information about how to get started, read the wiki:</description>
    <summary>Eto.Forms UI Framework</summary>
    <copyright>(c) 2010-2018 by Curtis Wensley, 2012-2014 by Vivek Jhaveri and contributors</copyright>
    <tags>cross platform gui ui framework desktop winforms wpf mac osx gtk eto.forms</tags>
      <dependency id="System.ComponentModel" version="4.3.0" />
      <dependency id="System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives" version="4.3.0" />