DocuSign.Rooms by DocuSign

<PackageReference Include="DocuSign.Rooms" Version="1.1.0" />


public interface IFormGroupsApi : IApiAccessor
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
FormGroupFormToAssign AssignFormGroupForm(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, FormGroupFormToAssign body = null)

Assigns a form to a form group.

Task<FormGroupFormToAssign> AssignFormGroupFormAsync(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, FormGroupFormToAssign body = null)

Assigns a form to a form group.

Assigns a form to a form group.

Assigns a form to a form group.

FormGroup CreateFormGroup(string accountId, FormGroupForCreate body = null)

Creates a form group.

Task<FormGroup> CreateFormGroupAsync(string accountId, FormGroupForCreate body = null)

Creates a form group.

Creates a form group.

Creates a form group.

void DeleteFormGroup(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId)

Deletes a form group.

Task DeleteFormGroupAsync(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId)

Deletes a form group.

Task<ApiResponse<object>> DeleteFormGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId)

Deletes a form group.

ApiResponse<object> DeleteFormGroupWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId)

Deletes a form group.

FormGroup GetFormGroup(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId)

Gets a form group.

Task<FormGroup> GetFormGroupAsync(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId)

Gets a form group.

Task<ApiResponse<FormGroup>> GetFormGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId)

Gets a form group.

FormGroupSummaryList GetFormGroups(string accountId, GetFormGroupsOptions options = null)

Get account Form Groups.

Get account Form Groups.

Get account Form Groups.

Get account Form Groups.

ApiResponse<FormGroup> GetFormGroupWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId)

Gets a form group.

void GrantOfficeAccessToFormGroup(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, int? officeId)

Assign office to a form group so the specified office has access to the form group.

Task GrantOfficeAccessToFormGroupAsync(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, int? officeId)

Assign office to a form group so the specified office has access to the form group.

Task<ApiResponse<object>> GrantOfficeAccessToFormGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, int? officeId)

Assign office to a form group so the specified office has access to the form group.

ApiResponse<object> GrantOfficeAccessToFormGroupWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, int? officeId)

Assign office to a form group so the specified office has access to the form group.

void RemoveFormGroupForm(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, Guid? formId)

Removes a form from a form group.

Task RemoveFormGroupFormAsync(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, Guid? formId)

Removes a form from a form group.

Task<ApiResponse<object>> RemoveFormGroupFormAsyncWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, Guid? formId)

Removes a form from a form group.

ApiResponse<object> RemoveFormGroupFormWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, Guid? formId)

Removes a form from a form group.

FormGroup RenameFormGroup(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, FormGroupForUpdate body = null)

Renames a form group.

Task<FormGroup> RenameFormGroupAsync(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, FormGroupForUpdate body = null)

Renames a form group.

Task<ApiResponse<FormGroup>> RenameFormGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, FormGroupForUpdate body = null)

Renames a form group.

ApiResponse<FormGroup> RenameFormGroupWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, FormGroupForUpdate body = null)

Renames a form group.

void RevokeOfficeAccessFromFormGroup(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, int? officeId)

Remove office to a form group so the specified office doesn't have access to the form group.

Task RevokeOfficeAccessFromFormGroupAsync(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, int? officeId)

Remove office to a form group so the specified office doesn't have access to the form group.

Task<ApiResponse<object>> RevokeOfficeAccessFromFormGroupAsyncWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, int? officeId)

Remove office to a form group so the specified office doesn't have access to the form group.

ApiResponse<object> RevokeOfficeAccessFromFormGroupWithHttpInfo(string accountId, Guid? formGroupId, int? officeId)

Remove office to a form group so the specified office doesn't have access to the form group.