DataCrux.DataGenerator by Jarryd Lapp

<PackageReference Include="DataCrux.DataGenerator" Version="1.0.3" />

 DataCrux.DataGenerator 1.0.3

Package that genreates random data for mocking or testing. For issues or to request enhancements please create a new issue : or Email: [email protected] If you are unable to access documentation feel free to email and I can provide it while I work on setting up public wiki.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Jarryd Lapp</authors>
    <owners>Jarryd Lapp</owners>
    <projectUrl>https://[email protected]/jarrydlapp/DataCrux/_git/DataCrux</projectUrl>
    <description>Package that genreates random data for mocking or testing. 

For issues or to request enhancements please create a new issue :
or Email: [email protected]
If you are unable to access documentation feel free to email and I can provide it while I work on setting up public wiki.</description>
    <releaseNotes>Updated Project with documentation</releaseNotes>
    <tags>Data Randomizer TestData Helpers</tags>
    <repository type="GIT" url="https://[email protected]/jarrydlapp/DataCrux/_git/DataCrux" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETCoreApp2.1" />