Credfeto.ImageLoader.Raw by Mark Ridgwell

<PackageReference Include="Credfeto.ImageLoader.Raw" Version="" />


Image Loading raw images.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Mark Ridgwell</authors>
    <license type="expression">MIT</license>
    <description>Image Loading raw images.</description>
    <releaseNotes>### Changed
- FF-1429 - Updated Meziantou.Analyzer to 1.0.698
- FF-1429 - Updated Philips.CodeAnalysis.MaintainabilityAnalyzers to 1.2.28
- FF-1429 - Updated FunFair.Test.Common to
- FF-1429 - Updated Roslynator.Analyzers to 4.1.0
- FF-1429 - Updated SonarAnalyzer.CSharp to
- FF-1429 - Updated Meziantou.Analyzer to 1.0.699
- FF-1429 - Updated Meziantou.Analyzer to 1.0.700
- FF-3881 - Updated DotNet SDK to 6.0.202
- FF-1429 - Updated SixLabors.ImageSharp to 2.1.1
- FF-1429 - Updated Meziantou.Analyzer to 1.0.701
- FF-1429 - Updated SonarAnalyzer.CSharp to
- FF-1429 - Updated xunit.runner.visualstudio to 2.4.4
- FF-1429 - Updated xunit.runner.visualstudio to 2.4.5
- FF-1429 - Updated Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading.Analyzers to 17.2.32
- FF-1429 - Updated AsyncFixer to 1.6.0
- FF-1429 - Updated Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to 17.2.0
- FF-3881 - Updated DotNet SDK to 6.0.300
- FF-1429 - Updated SmartAnalyzers.CSharpExtensions.Annotations to 4.2.3
- FF-1429 - Updated SonarAnalyzer.CSharp to
- FF-1429 - Updated Meziantou.Analyzer to 1.0.702</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Mark Ridgwell</copyright>
    <tags>Image loader raw</tags>
    <repository type="git" url="" />
      <group targetFramework="net6.0">
        <dependency id="Credfeto.ImageLoader.Interfaces" version="" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />
        <dependency id="Magick.NET-Q16-AnyCPU" version="11.1.1" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />
        <dependency id="Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions" version="6.0.0" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />