CompositeC1.Core by burningice

<PackageReference Include="CompositeC1.Core" Version="6.13.0" />

.NET API 7,009,880 bytes

 CompositeC1.Core 6.13.0

C1 CMS Foundation - a .NET based Web Content Management System, open source and a bundle of joy! Orckestra is the company driving the development of C1 CMS Foundation. We have a team working full time on this CMS and on other cool stuff you can add to it. We are situated in Montreal, Copenhagen and Kiev. We specialize in enterprise omni channel commerce software.

<package xmlns="">
  <metadata minClientVersion="4.0">
    <title>C1 CMS Core Libraries</title>
    <license type="file">licenses\license.txt</license>
    <description>C1 CMS Foundation - a .NET based Web Content Management System, open source and a bundle of joy!

Orckestra is the company driving the development of C1 CMS Foundation. We have a team working full time on this CMS and on other cool stuff you can add to it. We are situated in Montreal, Copenhagen and Kiev. We specialize in enterprise omni channel commerce software.</description>
    <summary>C1 CMS Foundation - .NET based, open source and a bundle of joy! (Formerly known as Composite C1)</summary>
    <tags>cms c1cms composite-c1 orckestra orckestracms</tags>
    <repository type="git" url="" branch="master" commit="d051f94701af2e9d20486bc2fcf30178e66e47c3" />
      <dependency id="Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages" version="3.2.3" />
      <dependency id="Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection" version="1.1.0" />
      <dependency id="WampSharp.AspNet.WebSockets.Server" version="18.3.1" />
      <dependency id="WampSharp" version="18.3.1" />
      <dependency id="WampSharp.NewtonsoftJson" version="18.3.1" />