Common.AsyncLogging.Core by Jeff Bramlett

<PackageReference Include="Common.AsyncLogging.Core" Version="1.0.18" />

 Common.AsyncLogging.Core 1.0.18

.Net Core common logging abstractions to make logging calls asynchronous in an application. The abstration allows for any logging library (Log4Net and etc) to be used as the library abstractions will "spool" the log entries.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Jeff Bramlett</authors>
    <description>.Net Core common logging abstractions to make logging calls asynchronous in an application.  The abstration allows for any logging library (Log4Net and etc) to be used as the library abstractions will "spool" the log entries.</description>
    <releaseNotes>Added late-binding log writer abstractions
Changed names to prevent confusion
Changed ExtendedProperties to IDictionary&lt;string, object&gt; to make it more useable
Made AbstractLogger class to simplify using your own logging class
Added GenericLogger to allow the use of custom log entry classes
Changed method signatures to make them more useable
Added ThreadId and ThreadName 
switched from CustomPair to KeyPair&lt;string, object&gt; for extended properties and more performance inprovements
Improved performance
Changed Logger to CommonLogger to prevent naming confusion
Made LogLevels bitwise to allow configuration to control logging by level
Added Process ID and ProcessName to ApplicationMetadata
Update Application Metadata
Added Correlation Id to logging
Numeric elasped time added (double for elasped milliseconds)</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>December 2018 @ Jeff Bramlett</copyright>
    <repository type="GitHub" url="" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETCoreApp2.0" />