Codon.UndoModel by Daniel Vaughan

<PackageReference Include="Codon.UndoModel" Version="2.2.1" />

 Codon.UndoModel 2.2.1

This package consists of a .NET Standard library that provides undo/redo support. Codon is a zero-dependency cross-platform MVVM framework for creating UWP, WPF, and Xamarin applications. It provides much of what you need to rapidly create sophisticated yet maintainable applications.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Codon Undo/Redo</title>
    <authors>Daniel Vaughan</authors>
    <owners>Daniel Vaughan</owners>
    <description>This package consists of a .NET Standard library that provides undo/redo support.

Codon is a zero-dependency cross-platform MVVM framework for creating UWP, WPF, and Xamarin applications. It provides much of what you need to rapidly create sophisticated yet maintainable applications.</description>
    <summary>This package consists of a .NET Standard library that provides undo/redo support.</summary>
    <copyright>Copyright © Daniel Vaughan 2017</copyright>
    <tags>mvvm xamarin mvvmcross mvvmlight caliburn android uwp ios xaml</tags>