CS-Script.lib.Roslyn by Oleg Shilo

<PackageReference Include="CS-Script.lib.Roslyn" Version="3.28.4" />

Package Files

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 CS-Script.lib.Roslyn 3.28.4

Class Library assembly for the CS-Script engine (no dependencies). CS-Script is a CLR (Common Language Runtime) based scripting system which uses ECMA-compliant C# as a programming language. This package distributes only the raw CS-Script engine so you can use it (if required) with untested dependencies (e.g. any version of Roslyn).

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>CS-Script Class Library (CSScriptLibrary.dll)</title>
    <authors>Oleg Shilo</authors>
    <owners>Oleg Shilo</owners>
    <description>Class Library assembly for the CS-Script engine (no dependencies). CS-Script is a CLR (Common Language Runtime) based scripting system which uses ECMA-compliant C# as a programming language.
This package distributes only the raw CS-Script engine so you can use it (if required) with untested dependencies (e.g. any version of Roslyn).</description>
    <summary>This is the minimal package for hosting the script engine in .NET (full) applications.

It is the only package that you need to have CS-Script Roslyn-engine running on any .NET (full) application. While this package also allows script execution with CodeDom-engine, using Roslyn is essential for executing scripts of the C# 7.0 syntax.</summary>
    <releaseNotes># Release v3.28.4.0

* CS-Script v3.28.4.0
  - Added resolving GAC assemblies on Mono (when running on Windows)
  - Implemented resolving custom config file specified by file name only (local with respect to cscs.exe)
  - Command `-stop` now stops syntaxer.exe as well

* CS-Script.Core v1.0.1.0
  - Implemented resolving `using` into assemblies from 'dotnet\shared' folder
  - Issue #110: Compiling to Byte[]/File in .NET Standard
  - Issue #106: Fix netstandard2 version to work in 4.6.1 and fix ReferenceDomainAssemblies</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Oleg Shilo</copyright>
    <tags>C# Scripting Dynamic CS-Script csscript</tags>
      <dependency id="CS-Script.lib" version="" />
      <dependency id="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting" version="2.6.1" />