Alternet.Studio.Common.Wpf by AlterNET Software

<PackageReference Include="Alternet.Studio.Common.Wpf" Version="8.1.10" />

.NET API 65,024 bytes

 Alternet.Studio.Common.Wpf 8.1.10

AlterNET Studio allows you to extend your WinForms and WPF .NET application with code editing, scripting and user interface designing capabilities. It provides a set of component libraries that enables users of your applications to write scripts in C#, Visual Basic, TypeScript, JavaScript and Python programming languages to extend your application with custom functionality; run and debug these scripts with a fully-featured debugging engine and design visual user interfaces with graphical Form Designer. This package includes common WPF utility and helper classes required for other Alternet.Studio packages. This is a multi-target package, and can be used with .NET applications targeting .NET Framework starting from 4.5.2 or .NET Core starting from 3.1. More information about AlterNET Studio can be found here: Documentation and sample projects can be downloaded here: NOTE: This is a commercial software product and requires purchasing a license for legal usage. Please refer to our licensing FAQ here:

<package xmlns="">
  <metadata minClientVersion="2.8">
    <authors>AlterNET Software</authors>
    <owners>AlterNET Software</owners>
    <license type="file">license.txt</license>
    <description>AlterNET Studio allows you to extend your WinForms and WPF .NET application with code editing, scripting and user interface designing capabilities.
It provides a set of component libraries that enables users of your applications to write scripts in C#, Visual Basic, TypeScript, JavaScript and Python programming languages to extend your application with custom functionality; run and debug these scripts with a fully-featured debugging engine and design visual user interfaces with graphical Form Designer.

This package includes common WPF utility and helper classes required for other Alternet.Studio packages.

This is a multi-target package, and can be used with .NET applications targeting .NET Framework starting from 4.5.2 or .NET Core starting from 3.1.

More information about AlterNET Studio can be found here:

Documentation and sample projects can be downloaded here:

NOTE: This is a commercial software product and requires purchasing a license for legal usage. Please refer to our licensing FAQ here:</description>
      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.5.2">
        <dependency id="Alternet.Studio.Common" version="8.1.10" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.6.1">
        <dependency id="Alternet.Studio.Common" version="8.1.10" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETCoreApp3.1">
        <dependency id="Alternet.Studio.Common" version="8.1.10" />