AWSSDK.SimpleSystemsManagement by Amazon Web Services

<PackageReference Include="AWSSDK.SimpleSystemsManagement" Version="" />

.NET API 1,088,680 bytes


Namespace with 90 public types


 AmazonSimpleSystemsManagementConfig Configuration for accessing Amazon SimpleSystemsManagement service
 AmazonSimpleSystemsManagementException Common exception for the SimpleSystemsManagement service.
 AmazonSimpleSystemsManagementRequest Base class for SimpleSystemsManagement operation requests.
 AssociationComplianceSeverity Constants used for properties of type AssociationComplianceSeverity.
 AssociationExecutionFilterKey Constants used for properties of type AssociationExecutionFilterKey.
 AssociationExecutionTargetsFilterKey Constants used for properties of type AssociationExecutionTargetsFilterKey.
 AssociationFilterKey Constants used for properties of type AssociationFilterKey.
 AssociationFilterOperatorType Constants used for properties of type AssociationFilterOperatorType.
 AssociationStatusName Constants used for properties of type AssociationStatusName.
 AssociationSyncCompliance Constants used for properties of type AssociationSyncCompliance.
 AttachmentHashType Constants used for properties of type AttachmentHashType.
 AttachmentsSourceKey Constants used for properties of type AttachmentsSourceKey.
 AutomationExecutionFilterKey Constants used for properties of type AutomationExecutionFilterKey.
 AutomationExecutionStatus Constants used for properties of type AutomationExecutionStatus.
 AutomationSubtype Constants used for properties of type AutomationSubtype.
 AutomationType Constants used for properties of type AutomationType.
 CalendarState Constants used for properties of type CalendarState.
 CommandFilterKey Constants used for properties of type CommandFilterKey.
 CommandInvocationStatus Constants used for properties of type CommandInvocationStatus.
 CommandPluginStatus Constants used for properties of type CommandPluginStatus.
 CommandStatus Constants used for properties of type CommandStatus.
 ComplianceQueryOperatorType Constants used for properties of type ComplianceQueryOperatorType.
 ComplianceSeverity Constants used for properties of type ComplianceSeverity.
 ComplianceStatus Constants used for properties of type ComplianceStatus.
 ComplianceUploadType Constants used for properties of type ComplianceUploadType.
 ConnectionStatus Constants used for properties of type ConnectionStatus.
 DescribeActivationsFilterKeys Constants used for properties of type DescribeActivationsFilterKeys.
 DocumentFilterKey Constants used for properties of type DocumentFilterKey.
 DocumentFormat Constants used for properties of type DocumentFormat.
 DocumentHashType Constants used for properties of type DocumentHashType.
 DocumentMetadataEnum Constants used for properties of type DocumentMetadataEnum.
 DocumentParameterType Constants used for properties of type DocumentParameterType.
 DocumentPermissionType Constants used for properties of type DocumentPermissionType.
 DocumentReviewAction Constants used for properties of type DocumentReviewAction.
 DocumentReviewCommentType Constants used for properties of type DocumentReviewCommentType.
 DocumentStatus Constants used for properties of type DocumentStatus.
 DocumentType Constants used for properties of type DocumentType.
 ExecutionMode Constants used for properties of type ExecutionMode.
 Fault Constants used for properties of type Fault.
 InstanceInformationFilterKey Constants used for properties of type InstanceInformationFilterKey.
 InstancePatchStateOperatorType Constants used for properties of type InstancePatchStateOperatorType.
 InventoryAttributeDataType Constants used for properties of type InventoryAttributeDataType.
 InventoryDeletionStatus Constants used for properties of type InventoryDeletionStatus.
 InventoryQueryOperatorType Constants used for properties of type InventoryQueryOperatorType.
 InventorySchemaDeleteOption Constants used for properties of type InventorySchemaDeleteOption.
 LastResourceDataSyncStatus Constants used for properties of type LastResourceDataSyncStatus.
 MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus Constants used for properties of type MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus.
 MaintenanceWindowResourceType Constants used for properties of type MaintenanceWindowResourceType.
 MaintenanceWindowTaskCutoffBehavior Constants used for properties of type MaintenanceWindowTaskCutoffBehavior.
 MaintenanceWindowTaskType Constants used for properties of type MaintenanceWindowTaskType.
 NotificationEvent Constants used for properties of type NotificationEvent.
 NotificationType Constants used for properties of type NotificationType.
 OperatingSystem Constants used for properties of type OperatingSystem.
 OpsFilterOperatorType Constants used for properties of type OpsFilterOperatorType.
 OpsItemDataType Constants used for properties of type OpsItemDataType.
 OpsItemEventFilterKey Constants used for properties of type OpsItemEventFilterKey.
 OpsItemEventFilterOperator Constants used for properties of type OpsItemEventFilterOperator.
 OpsItemFilterKey Constants used for properties of type OpsItemFilterKey.
 OpsItemFilterOperator Constants used for properties of type OpsItemFilterOperator.
 OpsItemRelatedItemsFilterKey Constants used for properties of type OpsItemRelatedItemsFilterKey.
 OpsItemRelatedItemsFilterOperator Constants used for properties of type OpsItemRelatedItemsFilterOperator.
 OpsItemStatus Constants used for properties of type OpsItemStatus.
 ParametersFilterKey Constants used for properties of type ParametersFilterKey.
 ParameterTier Constants used for properties of type ParameterTier.
 ParameterType Constants used for properties of type ParameterType.
 PatchAction Constants used for properties of type PatchAction.
 PatchComplianceDataState Constants used for properties of type PatchComplianceDataState.
 PatchComplianceLevel Constants used for properties of type PatchComplianceLevel.
 PatchDeploymentStatus Constants used for properties of type PatchDeploymentStatus.
 PatchFilterKey Constants used for properties of type PatchFilterKey.
 PatchOperationType Constants used for properties of type PatchOperationType.
 PatchProperty Constants used for properties of type PatchProperty.
 PatchSet Constants used for properties of type PatchSet.
 PingStatus Constants used for properties of type PingStatus.
 PlatformType Constants used for properties of type PlatformType.
 RebootOption Constants used for properties of type RebootOption.
 ResourceDataSyncS3Format Constants used for properties of type ResourceDataSyncS3Format.
 ResourceType Constants used for properties of type ResourceType.
 ResourceTypeForTagging Constants used for properties of type ResourceTypeForTagging.
 ReviewStatus Constants used for properties of type ReviewStatus.
 SessionFilterKey Constants used for properties of type SessionFilterKey.
 SessionState Constants used for properties of type SessionState.
 SessionStatus Constants used for properties of type SessionStatus.
 SignalType Constants used for properties of type SignalType.
 SourceType Constants used for properties of type SourceType.
 StepExecutionFilterKey Constants used for properties of type StepExecutionFilterKey.
 StopType Constants used for properties of type StopType.

 Static Classes

 AmazonSimpleSystemsManagementDefaultConfiguration Configuration for accessing Amazon SimpleSystemsManagement service

